
Eileen Avery

Eileen Avery’s research interests are centered on health disparities, social demography, crime and social control as public health concerns, and survey methodology. The importance of space and place is an overlapping focus across these interests. Past work examined the ways that income inequality, disorder, race-ethnic composition, social resources and so forth are associated with health and mortality in neighborhood context. In current informatics work Dr. Shyu, Hammer, and I, along with graduate students, examine ways that a big data geospatial approach can be applied to both traditional medical and survey data. Additional work uses data from two statewide population based…

Susanta Behura

I apply bioinformatics and data science tools in diverse research areas such as 1) transmission of arboviral diseases, 2) animal diseases and 3) pregnancy establishment and success. I am also interested in basic researches relating to genome biology and evolution, comparative genomics, non-coding RNA and regulatory elements, and biological roles of small open reading frames.

Sharan Srinivas

Sharan Srinivas is an Assistant Professor with a joint appointment in the Department of Industrial & Manufacturing Systems Engineering and the Department of Marketing at the University of Missouri (MU). He is also a core faculty at the MU Institute for Data Science and Informatics, and a visiting faculty at the University of Passau, Germany. Dr. Srinivas received his Ph.D. in industrial engineering and operations research from the Pennsylvania State University. Dr. Srinivas’ area of specialization is data analytics and operations research with research interests in healthcare operations management, logistics, smart service systems, and supply chain. He has been an…

Derek Anderson

Dr. Anderson’s Mizzou INformation and Data FUsion Laboratory (MINDFUL), located in C1201 Lafferre Hall, was formed in January of 2018 and it will be up and running in summer of 2018. Previously, Anderson co-founded and co-directed the Sensor Analysis and Intelligence Laboratory (SAIL) at Mississippi State University. SAIL is a multidisciplinary research lab with diverse applications ranging from smart vehicles (for tier one commercial partners), to security and defense (hand-held, ground vehicle, and aerial platforms), forensic anthropology (clandestine graves and human surface remains), and environment understanding (agriculture and land classification in support of autonomous ground vehicles and robotics). MINDFUL will…

Abu Mosa

Abu Saleh Mohammad Mosa, PhD is the Director of Research Informatics at the University of Missouri (MU) School of Medicine and Assistant Research Professor of Health Informatics. Dr. Mosa has an affiliate faculty appointment in the MU Informatics Institute. Dr. Mosa obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering from the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, followed by Master’s degree in Computer Science from the University College Dublin and Doctoral degree in Health Informatics from the University of Missouri. Dr. Mosa’s research area includes informatics infrastructure development for clinical research, mining massive and unstructured data, mining clinical data,…

Richard Hammer

Dr. Richard Hammer is highly trained hematopathologist/surgical pathologist with extensive experience and a focus on providing state-of-the-art diagnosis and evaluation using the latest evidence-based medicine. His lab provides high-level service in hematopathology, flow cytometry, coagulation, and molecular diagnostics in hematology. He also is involved in bioinformatics and developing tools to apply digital solutions to clinical practice and clinical decision support.

Mirna Becevic

Dr. Becevic’s research is focused on telemedicine and telehealth and the role of virtual care in improving key patient outcomes. In particular, her research focuses on using telehealth technologies to improve access to care for rural and underserved patients. This includes early screening, timely diagnosis, appropriate use of the healthcare system and distance continuing medical education. Dr. Becevic is the lead project evaluator for the Show-Me ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) project. This virtual, interdisciplinary collaborative network provides a peer and case-based learning platform for primary care providers to gain knowledge in several different specialties and subspecialties (dermatology, asthma,…

Sounak Chakraborty

Sounak Chakraborty is an Associate Professor at Department of Statistics, University of Missouri. His general research interest involves statistical methods for data mining, machine learning, survival analysis, Bayesian methodology, and their applications in bioinformatics, finance, medical and healthcare data. His developed models and tools are successfully applied to several types of cancer data for detecting the stage of the cancer, type of cancer, and survival time of the patients. They are also used in predicting the composition of a material based on near infrared spectroscopy like plasma, petroleum, and food content. Prof. Chakraborty is awarded with multiple NSF and NIH…

Dale Fitch

Dr. Fitch uses both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies addressing topics that include management of information systems in human service organizations, systems theory, and decision-making. He employs systemic intervention methodologies including critical system heuristics and soft systems. His research seeks to understand how the components of data, information, and knowledge are involved in the design of information storage systems so as to best create systems that better address social determinants of health.