Seminar Series

Image Segmentation in Colorectal Tissue Slides Using Denoising Autoencoder

Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a  common tumor type with variable treatment course.  Given the high availability of histological slides and wealth of the prognostic information the slide images may provide, it is important to conduct corresponding image analysis in high-throughput fashion. …

Computational prediction of ubiquitination proteins using evolutionary profiles and functional domains

Ubiquitination, as a post-translational modification, is a crucial biological process in cell signaling, apoptosis and localization. Identification of ubiquitination proteins is of fundamental importance for understanding molecular mechanisms in biological systems and diseases. Although high-throughput experimental studies using mass spectrometry…


Cancer is one of the most common and deadly diseases and its incidence is increasing. Considering that only 5 -10% of cancers are due to genetics, most cancer types are due to external risk factors such as lifestyle habits and…

A Data Analytics Framework for Improving the Efficiency of Stroke Imaging Investigations

Emergency departments are under tremendous pressure to provide high-quality care in the shortest amount of time possible. While not all cases seen in the ED are urgent in nature, some require immediate attention. These true emergencies are usually complex in…

Real-time prediction of unplanned 30-day hospital readmissions

Hospital readmissions are frequent and costly. It has been estimated that unplanned readmissions account for $17.4 billion in Medicare expenditures annually. Since the fiscal year 2013, the Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program (HRRP) has been established to financially penalize hospitals with excessive…

Medical Calculators: Prevalence, and Barriers to Use

Medical calculators synthesize measurable evidence and help introduce new medical guidelines and standards.   Some medical calculators can fulfill the role of CDS for Meaningful Use purposes.  However, there are barriers for clinicians to use medical calculators in practice.  Objectives of…

Volumetric Analysis of Adipose Tissue

Body Condition Score is the veterinary equivalent of BMI in humans, in which veterinarians attempt to assess adiposity of an animal and make appropriate recommendations. However, this measure of adiposity is fairly subjective and quite variable depending on the species…

Investigating Genome Compositional Features of Apis and other Hymenopteran Species

Initial analysis of the honey bee (Apis mellifera) genome in 2006 revealed several interesting features compared to other metazoan genome sequences available at that time: a low but heterogeneous GC content, an overabundance of CpG dinucleotides and a lack of…

Translational Thyroid Cancer Informatics

Survival prediction is important both to clinicians and patients; ensuring the best course of treatment is selected to manage the thyroid cancer.  In 2018 there will be an estimated half a million new thyroid cancer diagnoses and 41,071 deaths.  Unlike…