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The widespread adoption of consumer sensor technologies, including wearable and in-home sensors, present an opportunity for ambient monitoring of activities of daily living for health and behavioral intervention. Health care professionals (i.e., care coordinators trained as nurses, occupational therapists, and social workers) in the Age-friendly Sustainable Smart and Equitable Technologies for Access for Aging in Place (ASSETs for AIP) project monitor client behaviors using passive environmental and wearable sensors with several disparate tools to review and interpret sensor data. Together with care coordinators, informatics researchers are co-designing an interactive user-friendly and web-based interface for understanding patterns of behavior and identifying pattern changes. Previously, we identified user requirements, goals, and barriers to accomplishing user tasks using focus groups and contextual inquiries. Extending this prior work, the purpose of this study is to iteratively design and evaluate prototype interfaces to support the care coordination and self-management coaching workflows.