May 3, 2018
Derek Anderson
Dr. Anderson’s Mizzou INformation and Data FUsion Laboratory (MINDFUL), located in C1201 Lafferre Hall, was formed in January of 2018 and it will be up and running in summer of 2018. Previously, Anderson co-founded and co-directed the Sensor Analysis and Intelligence Laboratory (SAIL) at Mississippi State University. SAIL is a multidisciplinary research lab with diverse applications ranging from smart vehicles (for tier one commercial partners), to security and defense (hand-held, ground vehicle, and aerial platforms), forensic anthropology (clandestine graves and human surface remains), and environment understanding (agriculture and land classification in support of autonomous ground vehicles and robotics). MINDFUL will…

Sep. 15, 2017
Timothy Haithcoat
Dr. Timothy Haithcoat joined our program as an Assistant Teaching Professor of Data Science and Analytics in August 2022 and brings years of experience in developing and managing geospatial technologies in both research and applied environments to the DSA program. Tim holds a Master’s in Wildlife Biology and a PhD in Geoinformatics, both from the University of Missouri – Columbia. His research interests involve applying geographic information approaches for solving real-world application issues and their subsequent accuracy assessment and validation. This applied research supports interdisciplinary research objectives in a range of diverse areas including wildlife biology, broadband access, risk assessment,…

Dec. 28, 2016
Guilherme DeSouza
Guilherme DeSouza is an associate professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, an adjunct associate professor in the Computer Science Department and a joint courtesy associate professor with the Sinclair School of Nursing, all at the University of Missouri. Winner of Purdue’s Honeywell Teaching Award, the Purdue’s Maria Canto Neuberger Research Award and the MU Excellence in Teaching Award, DeSouza come to Missouri after working as a principal research scientist at Purdue University and as a Senior Lecturer at the University of Western Australia. He also worked for over 10 years at the Brazilian Power Systems Research center on…

Dec. 28, 2016
Hong He
Issues of biodiversity, conservation, and ecosystem management increasingly need to be addressed at large spatial and temporal scales. Our research in landscape ecology puts ecological questions in such large spatial and temporal contexts. Our research in geographic information sciences explores new technical advances to help process and analyze large spatial data. We endeavor to advance the science and technology to solve regional planning, management, conservation, and restoration problems.

Dec. 28, 2016
Chi-Ren Shyu
Chi-Ren Shyu (he/him/his) is a Paul K. and Dianne Shumaker Professor in electrical engineering and computer science and serves as the director of the MU Institute for Data Science and Informatics, where 60 interdisciplinary core faculty from 22 departments/schools support more than 160 graduate students in the MS degree program in Data Science & Analytics and PhD degree program in Informatics with emphasis areas in bioinformatics, health informatics and geospatial informatics. Shyu has organized and chaired technical program committees for several IEEE conferences, such as IEEE HealthCom 2011 (Columbia, Missouri), IEEE BigMM 2016 (Taipei, Taiwan), IEEE BIBM 2017 (Kansas City,…
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