
Elizabeth King

My research is focused on understanding the genetic basis and evolution of organismal allocation patterns. The core life processes for every organism, such as surviving in the environment, finding food and mates, and reproducing, require the organism to allocate some…

Guilherme DeSouza

Guilherme DeSouza is an associate professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, an adjunct associate professor in the Computer Science Department and a joint courtesy associate professor with the Sinclair School of Nursing, all at the University of Missouri.

Jeannette Jackson-Thompson

I have the expertise, training, experience and motivation needed for the proposed project. My training is in anthropological linguistics, public health and medical anthropology, with specific training and expertise in survey research/surveillance, questionnaire design and epidemiology. I have a broad…

Robert Sanders

Christine Elsik

Christine Elsik’s research expertise is in computational biology and bioinformatics, and she works specifically in genome sequencing and annotation. She has worked extensively with genomes of cattle and a number of insect species. Chris will have a joint appointment between…

Jeffrey Bryan

Dr. Bryan’s research focuses on comparative examination of cancers in companion animals to better understand cancers in all species. Bryan is an associate professor of veterinary oncology and director of the Comparative Oncology and Epigenetics Laboratory. His particular areas of…

Sidharth Sen

Sidharth Sen’s education background is based in bioinformatics, having being involved in interdisiplinary academic programs from the start of his undergrad degree. He worked with his from generation of DNA sequencing laboratories in India along with large pharmaceutical industries. In…

Chunhui Xu

Chunhui earned his Bachelor’s degree in Molecular Biology from China Agricultural University in Beijing and his Master’s degree in Molecular and Cellular Biology from Brandeis University. Following these academic achievements, she joined MUII as a Bioinformatics Ph.D. student. Currently, she…

Trupti Joshi

Dr. Trupti Joshi is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biomedical Informatics, Biostatistics and Medical Epidemiology (BBME) in the School of Medicine (SOM), with a joint appointment with Department of Plant Sciences and Technology (DPST) at University of Missouri-Columbia…