
Zhijian Luan

I work in cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) analysis. Focus on the capturing heart variability and visualizing heartbeat movement for support clinic in AFib and other cardiac diseases.

Shu-Kai Chang

Jared Decker

Genomics provides us with an opportunity to tackle questions that previously we did not have adequate tools to address. I use genomic data in multiple ways, from improving genome assemblies, to identifying causal variants, to investigating the genetic history of…

Prasad Calyam

Prasad Calyam is the Greg L. Gilliom Professor of Cybersecurity in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at University of Missouri-Columbia, and Director of the Center for Cyber Education, Research and Infrastructure (Mizzou CERI). His research and development…

Trupti Joshi

Dr. Trupti Joshi is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biomedical Informatics, Biostatistics and Medical Epidemiology (BBME) in the School of Medicine (SOM), with a joint appointment with Department of Plant Sciences and Technology (DPST) at University of Missouri-Columbia…

Chunhui Xu

Chunhui earned his Bachelor’s degree in Molecular Biology from China Agricultural University in Beijing and his Master’s degree in Molecular and Cellular Biology from Brandeis University. Following these academic achievements, she joined MUII as a Bioinformatics Ph.D. student. Currently, she…

Sidharth Sen

Sidharth Sen’s education background is based in bioinformatics, having being involved in interdisiplinary academic programs from the start of his undergrad degree. He worked with his from generation of DNA sequencing laboratories in India along with large pharmaceutical industries. In…

Peter Cornish

Research in our laboratory is primarily focused on understanding the complexities of ribosome function using a variety of biophysical methods including NMR and single molecule techniques. One of our projects is in understanding translational regulation in particular the mechanism of…

Eduardo Simoes

My research and teaching interests include: use of health management and informatics to improve planning, policy development, management and evaluation of health care, public health programs and global health initiatives. Use information technology to address surveillance of preventable diseases and…