Data Science Executive Week

Yearly On-Campus Experience

Each spring online Master’s program students come together for an on-campus executive week session.

03/23/2023-DSA-Capstone-Presentations Photos of the Institute for Data Science and Informatics Capstone presentations.

The students work in small teams on mini-projects that include data curation and management, exploratory data analysis, statistical modeling and machine learning. Students develop analytical products to share with the larger group. This opportunity is utilized to give students progressively harder data acquisition, management and curation activities facilitated by co-location with fellow students and faculty.

The week is organized into structured, problem-based learning activities that focus on progressing from raw data to analytical findings.

Along with hands-on learning, students will attend seminars with faculty members to discuss current research and development activities revolving around Big Data and Data Science. The seminars include human-centric (HCI) data, data-driven journalism, Big Data Security, and the Big Data landscape.

The DSA program at the university is enhanced by the executive session. The cohort students enjoy the opportunities to get to know each other in person and develop relationships networking with their peers, faculty and industry representatives. The one week of concentrated effort, interaction, networking and training enhances the otherwise online program.

View the Data Science Executive Week 2024 schedule & directory.

Student FAQs

No, attendance at the Data Science Executive Week is not required but it is strongly suggested. Our students have consistently described this week as one of the their best educational and professional experiences. Data Science Week also gives you the opportunity to meet with our Industry Advisory Board members to network and gain valuable contacts within the industry.

The executive session on campus is usually held each spring in mid to late March.

We reserve a room block from Sunday until Thursday and suggest that students arrive at the hotel by Sunday afternoon.

Executive week is held on the University of Missouri’s Columbia Campus.

Accommodations and some meals are provided during the executive sessions.

Students are responsible for their own travel to Columbia.

Minimal free time is provided as the days are packed with seminars and activities. If a student wishes to stay for a longer visit they will be responsible for their own expenses.

Program staff will do their best to accommodate dietary concerns, however, please notify us in advance of any special requirements.

Each day students have a power-packed day of instructions, data labs team activities, and presentations.

Industry Advisory Board

Executive week brings together students with our Industry Advisory Board, which is made up of the top data-driven companies in many industries. Together with program leaders, this board helps to shape the program to ensure the graduating data scientists are ready to fill in-demand positions in many industries. These companies represent the future of data science applications. Students have the opportunity to network with industry professionals to help align skills.