Leaders in Business and Data
The Industry Advisory Board is comprised of industry and business experts in companies vital to Data Science and Analytics. It is made up executives from top data-driven companies in a wide variety of industries. It has been formed to help assure the Master’s of Data Science and Analytics is relevant and responsive to the marketplace, and help ensure the student’s learning experience is relevant to “real-world” technologies, problems and challenges.
The board meets on campus each year during the student cohort executive week. Students are brought together with our Industry Advisory Board to network and discuss the changes and opportunities in data science. These companies represent the future of cutting-edge data analytics applications. Students have the opportunity to network with industry professionals to help align skills while faculty work with the advisory board to enhance the overall program.
If you represent a data-focused company and would like to help guide the future education of data scientists, the advisory board might be right for you. Please contact Chris Kelly, Strategic Industry Partnerships Manager, to discuss opportunities for IAB membership.

IAB Members at the Data Science & Analytics Executive Week