
Mihail Popescu

Mihail Popescu has received a MS in Medical Physics in 1995, a MS in Electrical Engineering in 1997 and a PhD in Computer Science in 2003 from the University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri. Dr. Popescu has published seven articles in refereed journals, 20 conference papers, one book, and one book chapter. His research focus has been on eldercare technologies, medical decision making, and epigenetic pattern discovery.

Xiaoqin Zou

The molecular interactions that drive ligand-protein binding are a key to quantitatively understanding the basis of molecular recognition and to designing therapeutic interventions through rational drug design. Drug molecules usually act by binding to specific target proteins. Drug candidates that have high binding affinities can be identified by their geometric and chemical complementarity to the target in a process analogous to solving a “jigsaw puzzle”, if the target structure is known. An energy model that can give rapid and accurate evaluation of the molecular interaction strength is thus essential for selecting plausible candidate compounds from a chemical database consisting of…

Chi-Ren Shyu

Chi-Ren Shyu (he/him/his) is a Paul K. and Dianne Shumaker Professor in electrical engineering and computer science and serves as the director of the MU Institute for Data Science and Informatics, where 60 interdisciplinary core faculty from 22 departments/schools support more than 160 graduate students in the MS degree program in Data Science & Analytics and PhD degree program in Informatics with emphasis areas in bioinformatics, health informatics and geospatial informatics. Shyu has organized and chaired technical program committees for several IEEE conferences, such as IEEE HealthCom 2011 (Columbia, Missouri), IEEE BigMM 2016 (Taipei, Taiwan), IEEE BIBM 2017 (Kansas City,…