
Suzanne Boren

Dr. Boren’s research focuses on two themes 1) Consumer Health Informatics, and 2) Health Administration and Health Informatics Education. Through her research, Dr. Boren investigates how informatics can be used to improve patient outcomes and student learning outcomes. Dr. Boren has co-authored more than 90 articles. These publications provide valuable information on decision support technologies, telemedicine, E-health / mobile health, management of chronic illness, and education. Two of Dr. Boren’s articles have been recognized by the Yearbook of the International Medical Informatics Association as among the best biomedical informatics studies. Dr. Boren has a history of service. Dr. Boren directs…

Chi-Ren Shyu

Chi-Ren Shyu (he/him/his) is a Paul K. and Dianne Shumaker Professor in electrical engineering and computer science and serves as the director of the MU Institute for Data Science and Informatics, where 60 interdisciplinary core faculty from 22 departments/schools support more than 160 graduate students in the MS degree program in Data Science & Analytics and PhD degree program in Informatics with emphasis areas in bioinformatics, health informatics and geospatial informatics. Shyu has organized and chaired technical program committees for several IEEE conferences, such as IEEE HealthCom 2011 (Columbia, Missouri), IEEE BigMM 2016 (Taipei, Taiwan), IEEE BIBM 2017 (Kansas City,…

Jianlin Cheng

Dr. Jianlin Cheng’s research is focused on bioinformatics, systems biology, machine learning and data mining. To date, his group has designed and developed a variety of cutting-edge computational methods for protein structure and function prediction, proteomics, genomics, biological network simulation, and general machine learning. His protein structure prediction methods were ranked among the best in the last three consecutive biannual Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein Structure Prediction (CASP7, CASP8, and CASP9), from 2006 to 2010. The bioinformatics tools and web services produced by Dr. Cheng’s research are publicly available and used by life scientists from around the world.