
Clintin Davis-Stober

Dr. Clintin Davis-Stober is a Professor in the Department of Psychological Sciences at the University of Missouri. He holds a Ph.D. in Quantitative Psychology and an M.S. in Mathematics from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

R. Keith Slotkin

The Slotkin laboratory uses Arabidopsis thaliana, a reference flowering plant, as a model to investigate how eukaryotic cells repress transposable elements. Transposable elements are fragments of DNA that can duplicate or move from one location to another. Their ability to replicate has resulted in transposable elements occupying vast amounts of most eukaryotic genomes, including nearly half of the human genome. Although often overlooked or dismissed as “junk DNA”, transposable elements have played an important role in the structure and evolution of the eukaryotic genome. However, when transposable elements are active, they cause DNA damage and new mutations by inserting into…

Eileen Avery

Eileen Avery’s research interests are centered on health disparities, social demography, crime and social control as public health concerns, and survey methodology. The importance of space and place is an overlapping focus across these interests. Past work examined the ways that income inequality, disorder, race-ethnic composition, social resources and so forth are associated with health and mortality in neighborhood context. In current informatics work Dr. Shyu, Hammer, and I, along with graduate students, examine ways that a big data geospatial approach can be applied to both traditional medical and survey data. Additional work uses data from two statewide population based…

James Keller

James M. Keller is a Curators Professor in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department at the University of Missouri as well as R. L. Tatum Professor for the college. Keller’s research interests are in computational intelligence with current applications to eldercare technology, bioinformatics, geospatial intelligence and landmine detection.

Suchithra Rajendran

Dr. Suchithra Rajendran is an Assistant Professor with a joint appointment in the Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering and the Marketing department at the University of Missouri-Columbia. Prior to that, she served as a consultant for many private and public organizations on various collaborative projects. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering from College of Engineering, Guindy, Anna University in India. Her graduate degrees are from the Pennsylvania State University, where she received a M.S. and a Ph.D. in industrial engineering and operations research. Dr. Rajendran’s research interests include healthcare systems engineering, big data analytics, multiple criteria…

Susanta Behura

I apply bioinformatics and data science tools in diverse research areas such as 1) transmission of arboviral diseases, 2) animal diseases and 3) pregnancy establishment and success. I am also interested in basic researches relating to genome biology and evolution, comparative genomics, non-coding RNA and regulatory elements, and biological roles of small open reading frames.

Sharan Srinivas

Sharan Srinivas is an Assistant Professor with a joint appointment in the Department of Industrial & Manufacturing Systems Engineering and the Department of Marketing at the University of Missouri (MU). He is also a core faculty at the MU Institute for Data Science and Informatics, and a visiting faculty at the University of Passau, Germany. Dr. Srinivas received his Ph.D. in industrial engineering and operations research from the Pennsylvania State University. Dr. Srinivas’ area of specialization is data analytics and operations research with research interests in healthcare operations management, logistics, smart service systems, and supply chain. He has been an…

Derek Anderson

Dr. Anderson’s Mizzou INformation and Data FUsion Laboratory (MINDFUL), located in C1201 Lafferre Hall, was formed in January of 2018 and it will be up and running in summer of 2018. Previously, Anderson co-founded and co-directed the Sensor Analysis and Intelligence Laboratory (SAIL) at Mississippi State University. SAIL is a multidisciplinary research lab with diverse applications ranging from smart vehicles (for tier one commercial partners), to security and defense (hand-held, ground vehicle, and aerial platforms), forensic anthropology (clandestine graves and human surface remains), and environment understanding (agriculture and land classification in support of autonomous ground vehicles and robotics). MINDFUL will…

Picture of Timothy Haithcoat

Timothy Haithcoat

Dr. Timothy Haithcoat joined our program as an Assistant Teaching Professor of Data Science and Analytics in August 2022 and brings years of experience in developing and managing geospatial technologies in both research and applied environments to the DSA program. Tim holds a Master’s in Wildlife Biology and a PhD in Geoinformatics, both from the University of Missouri – Columbia. His research interests involve applying geographic information approaches for solving real-world application issues and their subsequent accuracy assessment and validation. This applied research supports interdisciplinary research objectives in a range of diverse areas including wildlife biology, broadband access, risk assessment,…