Oct. 24, 2023
Shaji Khan
Dr. Shaji Khan is an Associate Professor of Information Systems and Technology in the College of Business, University of Missouri-St. Louis (UMSL). He has published in journals such as the Journal of Business Research, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Journal of Information Technology, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Communications of the Association for Information Systems, Strategic Outsourcing an International Journal, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, and Journal of Small Business Management. He has also presented papers at national academic conferences, authored book chapters, and produced practitioner oriented research and industry reports. His research interests include…

Oct. 24, 2023
Edward Mirielli
Dr. Edward Mirielli joined our program as Associate Teaching Professor of Data Science and Analytics in June 2021 and brings years of industry and academic experience to the DSA Program. Ed holds a Master’s Degree in Sociology with emphasis in epidemiology/demography and a Ph.D. in Rural Sociology emphasizing applied statistics and the application of computing to the research process; both degrees are from the University of Missouri-Columbia. He has engaged in demography & epidemiology of “big-data” during times when the health of the nation was of significant concern – both now, and in the past studying geographic patterns of mortality. …