
Two IDSI Core Faculty Elected as Fellow of AAAS

Dr. Xiu-Feng “Henry” Wan and Dr. Xiaoqin Zou were named as Fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Read More…

2022 Mizzou Faculty Alumni Awards – Notable Presence from MUIDSI

The 67th Annual Faculty Alumni Awardees were announced  on July 20, 2022.  Dr. Chi-Ren Shyu, MU IDSI Director; Dr. Lori Popejoy, MU IDSI Core Faculty and Interim Dean of Sinclair School of Nursing; and Dr. Dr. Stevan Whitt, Senior Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs of Medicine and MU IDSI’s long term physician collaborator, were among the six faculty awardees this year.  According to Mizzou Alumni Association, “First celebrated in 1968, the Faculty Alumni Awards highlight the contributions of exceptional individuals to the University’s growth and core mission, through their professional accomplishments, teaching and research excellence or service to the institution.” To…

Dr. Popejoy leads MU Sinclair School of Nursing as Interim Dean

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Dr. Blake Meyers Elected to the National Academy of Sciences

Dr. Blake Meyers, MUIDSI Informatics PhD program Core Faculty and Professor in the Division of Plant Science and Technology, and jointly appointed as a Principal Investigator and Member of the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, has been elected as a Member of the US National Academy of Sciences.

AMIA Informatics Summit Best Student Paper Award

By Karly Balslew On March 21st, doctoral student Humayera Islam won the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) Student Paper Competition award for the 2022 AMIA Informatics Summit that was held in Chicago. “It’s one of the biggest platforms for informatics people,” Islam said. “It’s very a very diverse and multidisciplinary platform where anybody that works in this area (informatics) can show their work.”  Students from across the country submitted papers for AMIA 2022 Informatics Summit. Submitted papers then went through a peer-review process before judges selected the top five best papers. These top five were chosen to compete in the…

MUIDSI Online Data Science and Analytics Program Ranked #7 in Fortune Magazine

The MS Data Science and Analytics (DSA) Program of the MU Institute for Data Science and Informatics (MUIDSI) was  recently ranked the 7th best online master’s degree in Data Science Programs in 2022 by Fortune magazine. The rankings were composed of a selectivity score and a demand score. The selectivity score made up 85% of the ranking which assessed undergraduate GPA of incoming students, the average years of work experience and the universities acceptance rate.  The demand score consisted of total enrollment size of the programs and the number of applicants for the most current year.  As data information continues to rapidly…

Harnessing the power of AI to advance knowledge of Type 1 diabetes

An interdisciplinary team of researchers from the University of Missouri, Children’s Mercy Kansas City and Texas Children’s Hospital has used a new data-driven approach to learn more about persons with Type 1 diabetes, who account for about 5-10% of all diabetes diagnoses. The team gathered its information through health informatics and applied artificial intelligence (AI) to better understand the disease. In the study, the team analyzed publicly available, real-world data from about 16,000 participants enrolled in the T1D Exchange Clinic Registry. By applying a contrast pattern mining algorithm developed at the MU College of Engineering, the team was able to…

MUIDSI Core Faculty Member Receives $2M Grant

Dr. Lori Popejoy, MUIDSI core faculty member and associate professor in the Sinclair School of Nursing, was recently awarded a $2M grant from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality to study the responses in nursing homes to COVID-19. Read More……

MUDSI PhD Student Caleb Grohmann Selected for the Future Leaders for Food and Agriculture (FFAR) Fellowship

Congratulations to second-year PhD student Caleb Grohmann, who was one of twenty-six doctoral students in the country to be selected for the Future Leaders for Food and Agriculture (FFAR) Fellowship. Caleb works under the direction of core faculty member Dr. Jared Decker. Read the full article here.