Financial Support Opportunities

MUIDSI has a number of fellowships, all of which provide stipends, tuition waivers, and graduate student insurance for 1-4 years.
Currently, two fellowship programs offer either a 2-year support (NIH T32) or a full 4-year support (Life Sciences Fellowship Program). In addition, many faculty members have sizable funding for talented students and may recruit incoming students to their projects.
Graduate Research Opportunities in Water Studies and Sustainability
The Hydrology Research Group led by Dr. Noel Aloysius at the University of Missouri is seeking 2-4 motivated students to pursue PhD studies in water and natural resources management.
Students can enroll in one of the following units:
Expected start dates are Spring or Fall of 2022.
The successful candidates will have opportunities to pursue independent research in one or more of the following research projects:
- Developing, testing and validating hydrologic, hydraulic and biogeochemical cycling models for watersheds in the Mississippi River Basin, and incorporating machine learning and other novel search algorithms to offer innovative solutions to problems pertaining water availability, watershed management and water quality.
- Developing integrated assessment models to evaluate the economic benefits of water resources infrastructure (dams, reservoirs, levees, irrigation canals, conservation practices and green infrastructure, etc.) on mitigation and risk reduction due to climate change, soil erosion, and enhance public access to water supplies.
- Compiling existing instrumentation and monitoring technologies, and developing data integration technologies to aid in testing, validating, and improving ecosystem model simulations/predictions.
- Developing holistic analytical decision support tools that account for water use, environmental conservation practices, and climate change adaptation among others to evaluate new technologies for aiding sustainable resources management and precision agriculture in the Missouri River Basin.
- Evaluating the impacts of wetland enhancement and flooding on water table dynamics and nitrate transport in mixed agricultural and natural landscapes. Research activities include field instrumentation, monitoring, and modeling ground- and surface- water interactions.
- Developing field instrumentation (e.g., unmanned aerial systems, large aperture scintillometers, weather stations, soil moisture sensors, among others) and integrating cloud-based data visualization technologies to monitor, estimate, and predict ecosystem fluxes across multiple managed landscapes in the Missouri River Basin.
- Evaluating deficit irrigation methods to improve water management in small-scale producer systems. Research activities include setting up and monitoring smallholder agricultural plots at the University of Missouri Agricultural Experimental Station.
MS degree in a science or engineering discipline (e.g., Agricultural, Biological, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Atmospheric Sciences, Mathematics, Physics or related field). Highly motivated and qualified students with BS degrees will also be considered. Strong writing, quantitative, and analytical skills are essential. Successful candidates will be creative, motivated, and capable of working independently as well as collaboratively.
All positions are located in Columbia, Missouri, and will require travel to multiple field locations. Successful candidates will join a dynamic and interactive group of students and faculty at the University of Missouri’s various academic divisions including BBCE, SNR, IDSI and CEE. Students will also have opportunities for collaborative research with federal scientists at USDA-ARS Hydraulic Engineering Research Unit, USDA-ARS Cropping Systems and Water Quality Research Group, USGS Columbia Environmental Research Center, and Missouri Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit.
Please email Noel Aloysius ( in a single PDF: 1) A letter of interest that briefly describes educational and research background, as well as research interests/goals (1-2 pages); 2) A curriculum vitae that also includes, if applicable, TOEFL/IELTS scores; 3) Unofficial copies of transcripts; and 4) Contact information of three professional references (referees will not be contacted initially). Please write “Graduate Research Position 2021/22” in the subject line. Review of applications will begin immediately.
The University of Missouri is fully committed to achieving the goal of a diverse and inclusive academic community of faculty, staff and students. We seek individuals who are committed to this goal and our core campus values of respect, responsibility, discovery and excellence. The University of Missouri is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.
For more information about the positions, please contact Noel Aloysius at
Life Sciences Fellowship Program
The LSC has funding opportunities known as the Life Sciences Fellowship Program (LSF).
The LSF is a campus-wide program that supports MU life sciences trainees with four-year stipends, including tuition and fees. The Institute will nominate candidates to the LSF Program from the applicant pools. A selection committee will recommend acceptances based upon undergraduate training, GRE scores, and research interests and career goals.
Paul K. and Dianne Shumaker Fellowship Program
Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. and Dianne Shumaker’s generosity and passion to build a nationally recognized informatics program at MU, MUIDSI and the Department of Computer Science were granted a $1 million endowment in bioinformatics in 2005.
This endowment expects to support four 1-year fellowships annually.
Eligibility: All new applicants of MUIDSI
Contact: Mr. Robert Sanders (
Selection Criteria: See PDF