
Li Su

A former plant science student, a biomedical researcher, now a informatics student aiming to solve immunology problem using machine learning techniques. My short term goal is to graduate and also be a good reliable friend of my kid.

Pallavi Gupta

Pallavi Gupta is a Ph.D. Candidate at the University of Missouri, specializing in Health Informatics, specifically integrating consumer-grade and non-medical bio-health sensors into advance machine learning analytics. Her research experience includes design, development, optimization, and deployment of machine learning solutions…

Justin Krohn

Justin Krohn is a Senior Research Project Analyst at the University of Missouri Center for Applied Research and Engagement Systems (CARES) and a PhD student in Geoinformatics. After finishing his undergraduate degree in Natural Resource Sciences at Washington State University,…

Solaiman Khan

Skyler Kramer

My undergraduate background consisted of research in enzyme kinetics and biologically driven machine learning. These research experiences led me to MUIDSI, where I began my formal training in bioinformatics. I have contributed to many projects since joining MUIDSI, including bulk…

Murugesan Raju

My name is Murugesan, and my research focuses on biomedical and ocular informatics. My primary research interests revolve around the early prediction of disease onset and developing a drug recommendation system using DL and LSTM models. To facilitate translational research,…

Nishant Jain

My current research focus is in the field of Consumer Health Informatics and Information & Communication Technologies (ICT). My work revolves around leveraging social media analytics, social network analysis, and innovative informatics approaches to gain insights into chronic diseases (e.g.,…

Justin Hummel

Justin is a graduate student at the University of Missouri Institute for Data Science and Informatics (MUIDSI) under the guidance of Rene Cortese, PhD. Justin has learned critical informatics techniques to expand his training in cancer biology.  His primary research…

Mikhail Kovalenko

Mikhail came to Bioinformatics with an Electrical Engineering and computer programming background. Recognizing the trends towards massive data processing needs in health care, he joined MUIDSI in hopes to make his own contribution to the advancement of computational diagnostic tools…